Limited Time: Up to 12% Fixed or 15.25% S&P 500 Cap
Limited Time: Up to 12% Fixed or 15.25% S&P 500 Cap
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From the Shore: Oceanview At a Glance

From the Shore – Oceanview At-a-Glance

No matter where you are in the retirement planning process, it is important to identify significant factors that may or may not impact the years that lie ahead.

Inflation, rising healthcare costs, and an ever-changing tax landscape are just a few of the unknown variables that can play a role in retirement. These issues might not be top-of-mind now, but it is important to consider how they could alter the course you have set for yourself in the future.

While the unknown can be exciting and adventurous when standing on the shore, the reality of choppy waves and unknown waters can drastically affect your projected course.

At Oceanview Life and Annuity Company, our vision is quality retirement savings products and services, that can help you identify and prepare for unknown factors during the time of your life that you have prepared for so long to arrive at.

Seeking to provide annuity products that provide returns to the policyholder that are very competitive to alternative products like bank certificates of deposits (CDs) and other annuities, Oceanview provides products that have features that are easily understood and are easy to integrate into your overall retirement plan.

Through a suite of multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs) and fixed indexed annuities (FIAs), we at Oceanview are working to meet the demand of retirees by providing unique retirement savings and income options.

Distributed nationally through a network of agents, banks, and broker-dealers, products like the Harbourview MYGA and FIA can help provide principal protection, competitive guaranteed interest rates, and tax-deferred earnings.

Planning for and arriving at your dream retirement can elicit both excitement and uneasiness. Oceanview Life and Annuity Company is here to help you chart a course for smooth sailing, taking some unknowns out of the financial journey that lies ahead.

If you have questions about fixed index annuities, please reach out to your financial advisor and/or Oceanview Life and Annuity Support Team.

All of us at Oceanview Life and Annuity stand at the ready and sincerely appreciate the opportunity to support your efforts!