The Oceanview Topsider Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) offers principal protection with enhanced growth potential through the Gain Control Option. By incorporating the Gain Control Option within an S&P 500 crediting strategy, the Topsider FIA empowers clients to adapt their retirement savings approach based on their changing needs and market conditions.
Upside Potential.
Downside Protection.
Discover how the Topsider FIA was designed to capitalize on market cycles to enhance upside potential. Watch the video to learn more.

Case Study:
Sailing Toward Retirement
Learn how John and Sarah were able to use the Gain Control Option feature to protect their retirement savings while achieving meaningful growth.
Topsider Benefits
Enhanced Growth Potential
By using annual gains to increase participation rates, clients can seize opportunities presented by traditional market cycles to potentially maximize returns over time.
Principal Protection
Clients can enjoy the benefits of increased participation rates without risking their account value, ensuring safety alongside growth.
The default 50% participation rate increase allows clients to take advantage of increased growth potential without having to make additional decisions each year.
With the flexibility to choose from 0%, 50%, or 75% participation rate increases, clients can adjust their strategy to optimize their growth potential based on their risk tolerance and market conditions.
The Gain Control Option
The Gain Control Option allows clients to increase their participation percentage by applying a portion of their index credit to purchase a higher rate for the upcoming contract year. This feature provides clients the opportunity to maximize potential returns over time without risking their existing account value.
Automatic Setting
Oceanview sets a 50% participation rate increase for the second contract year unless the client or their agent specifies otherwise before the contract anniversary.
Annual Selection
Recognizing that financial goals and market conditions evolve, clients may modify their Gain Control Option percentage each contract anniversary. Clients may maintain the 50% setting, opt out entirely, or select a 75% increase. Decisions must be finalized before any interest for the new contract year accrues.